100 word challange

I was in the kitchen cooking and my little sister come in and said are the cookies ready yet In ten minutes ok. So I cept on cooking. Ten minutes later ding ding ding ding the cookies are ready yay you will have to wait 5 minutes for them to cool ok. “Yep ” now go of and play  now  5 minutes later ok now you can have one now yay yay yay now here you go. I am going to go to bed ok. Why I was in bed my little sister was wondering around the house she found the cookie jar so as she lifted the lid….

100 wc

hi i am fred and i am 63 years old and i had a dream and i want to tell you what happened  in that dream i was in my house and then i woke up with my tongue aching and i went to the kitchen and there were monkeys and baboons and banana trees growing out of the kitchen floor and i opened the fridge door and there was a tiger eat my meat i scremed but it made my tongue tingle i ran then i got up i had wet the bed the i ran to the kitchen nothing was there

100 WC week 30

BOOM BOOM I was playing my drum then dad said ” do you want to go to the zoo “. I had some cornflakes and of we went to the zoo. when we got to the zoo it very exciting first we went to the see the eliefants and one eliefant stood on top of a ball i thought the ball would pop and it did. we went to see the lions and they were sleeping. so we went to see the bab boons and I thought I saw my brother Fred in the bab boon cage. we went home Fred wasn’t there.

My Novel so far

I spawned in the middle of no where. hi I am Steve a Minecraft person and all I could see was trees and dirt. so I wondered if I would find a place to camp the night. so I got some wood and made some planks and made a little house to camp the night but I need wool to make a bed I find tree sheep and then I killed them all. I made a bed and went to sleep. I woke up and went to find a cave to find some iron and then kill my enemy Herobrine he killed me to many times and my friend Bob and Freddy.

Brain pop

Brain pop is a website with information about different people and things that have happened in the past. We do it every day and take points. Here is a example of students rights

Schools can restrict rules

In most schools self phones are band

can not write what they want to write in a year book and other things


I was on my bike riding down a hill when I crashed then a horse walked over to me  it helped me up. Then it  walked me home.when i got home my house was fluo green so I carefully tip toed to my room. I crept over to the my brothers room and my brother was in his room when he ternnd  around he was a zombie then I herd knocking on the door it was a  zombie it is a zombie invasion. So I ran out the door I fell in a dam so I swam to the edge a pipe…

100wc week 24

i was hoping on the plane the engines started up and of we go. They started surving drinks and coffee I had coffee it was smocking hot I burnt my lips. It was as hot as lava. Then i looked out the plane window… it it it was a nuke bomb we are going to die someone shouted.as soon as you no it we are going left,right; up,down people shouting the emgenecy exit then the nuke bomb went of it had exploded i felt the the heat come across me It burnt my skin i was going to die arrrrrrr!!!!!


I was on a plane to Africa when I saw a something that looked like a stone bricks. The I landed we were going so fast that we could of lit up in flames but we didn’t. when I got of the plane it was so hot they I was going to faint. Africa I said just Africa. I went on a bush walk though Africa on the bush walk I saw that stone bricks again. Then I got closer it is a anchent stone brick loung. It was as cool as the iphone 6 I found a stone loung.


100 word challenge

I was in the shed down the back where the grass is dead and weeds overgrown and mum said that I haft to mow. I went and got the mower and started mowing. It was hard work. I got grass in my socks, bindys in my pants. When I finished mu, gave me some pocket money. With that money I road to the shop. On the way to the shop I saw a dead snake on the road . When I got to the shop I bought a lollie so I opened it and ate it but it said ‘sweet’ on the rapper